sorry but sucks bad
no really...............................
sorry but sucks bad
no really...............................
Related to..........
Its sorta mario like wut else comes?
Gameplay like
The game play is alot like metal slug all the challange all the one hit death action things which makes any game kewl
Needs work!
Uh, I hit dracula 50 times and he did not get hurt is the thing supposed to be impossible? 0/5 >:/
Some thing to tellz youz
Yea its cool , got the metal slug style but make a 2 player one and with lives so it just is completely like metal slug!
Not my kind of game and that censored move the beholder does makes it seem like 13+ not anyone if I made a game it would have Tales of Destiny like stuff in it making the game play waaaaaaay better you should of thought of using a map before battles like Final Fantasy it'd make the game way easyer I would of beaten it then but nope it has the whole stay in the battles for ever thing in it which makes it boring so I am sorry but 2 out of 5
Nothing happens really..... its like some bug or is it my anti virus system slowing everything down I got Stopzilla for this comp its awfuly slow now
Not sure.. it runs OK on all of my different systems, so not sure what's up - did you press Game A or Game B to start the game after pressing Play in the pre-loader? I've had some people get confused by that, I might have to streamline that a bit.
I can't really enjoy this with all the whole (not 2 player thing) but I can live with it I just want 2 player mode to be next
Cherub made this (although he seems not to care about people makin remakes of Kawaiis ) This is my fav whirled game
normal thing I have to say x3
I play whirled! I have played this before I got so far as of (to die) by the 3rd boss lol I suck xD
Joined on 4/14/09